Monday, June 4, 2018

It's Just a Game

Tomorrow starts the Sectional playoffs for high school baseball. The Assumption Royals have already turned in their uniforms after last week's Regional Championship loss to Pittsville. In the scheme of things, we'll take that loss and be OK with it. It's just a game, right?

Unfortunately, one of the teams playing tomorrow is dealing with a far greater loss.

When the top-ranked Athens and Pittsville teams meet, the mood in the Athens dugout might not be the high-energy excitement you'd expect at this point in the playoffs. I am guessing the players will be a bit subdued but determined. Determined to win the game for their assistant coach, who lost his 15-year-old son this weekend in an ATV accident.

It certainly makes you stop and think. And realize there's more to life than sports. That a game is just a game.

Nothing – absolutely nothing – is more important than our kids. Our parents, our siblings, our loved ones.

Tucker loved sports and was active in several at school. I can't even conceive of the pain his parents are feeling. They wouldn't hesitate to return all of Tucker's previous victories if they could have their son back. Just can't imagine.

If you have a little (or big) ball player in your life, give him or her a hug tonight. Remind them that winning is wonderful, but nothing is as precious as being here to play in the first place.

Then thank God for that.

And pray for the Westfall family.

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