Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Let Go and Let God

Sometimes old feelings, old attitudes and old behaviors rear their ugly heads when we least expect it -- which is anytime, really, since I'm always trying to keep a lid on the "old" and move on with the new.

We're not perfect though, are we?

I was having a pity party the other night, feeling sorry for myself after not being included in some activity with some other women I know. I was having flashbacks to insecure moments in high school, thinking, "Why doesn't anyone like me? Why don't they want me along?" I know better, of course, but that's the cunning part of self-pity. It shows up unannounced and there's no good reason for it.

As usual, though, God put a person, place or event in my path and I quickly was reminded that one, it is not about me, and two, it is not the quantity of friends that matter, but the quality. I have true friends who love me for who I am (and trust me, they know who I am) and I love them right back.

That's why I found myself over at Theda Clark Medical Center in Neenah for the evening last night. I got a call from a close friend who had an emergency and she needed me. We've been there for each other countless times over the years and it was a no brainer to stop everything and get her where she needed to be. That's what friends do.

While I was sitting in the waiting room, I noticed a whole kiosk of prayers. Seriously, there were little cards for whatever prayer you needed to say but didn't quite know the words. They were all authored by a Rev. Rex Woods, who I don't know anything about -- other than he has a way with words.

As I fingered through the selection, A Prayer of Thanks, A Prayer for the Courage to Change, etc., my hand stopped on Hanging On and Letting Go. Oh boy, if this had anything to do with resentments or self-pity, then I better read it! So I did and, like I said, God had a message for me as usual -- and this time in writing:

Lord, there are times when we need to hang on,

There are times
when we are tired and discouraged,
and when the way before us seems so long;
when we feel helpless and alone,
and the way before us seems so confusing;
when we feel unequal to our tests and tasks,
and the way before us seems so difficult.

At such times,
be to us a source of strength,
comfort and hope
and enable us to hang on with tenacity
and toughness.

But, Lord, there are also times when we need to let go.

There are times
when we have chosen the wrong way,
and we are lost;
when old feelings, old attitudes, old behaviors,
old beliefs no longer serve us, no longer help us
when the way before us simply runs out,
and there is nothing for us to do
but to surrender.

At such times, Lord,
be our source of courage
and fill us with such a trust in you
that we may let go with tenderness and trust,
and in letting go, open our hearts that we might
receive your deepest mercies.

Lord, grant us the wisdom to know the difference
in the times --
to know when to hang on,
to persist, to persevere
and when to let go.
In so knowing, and in so acting,
give us your peace.


Amen, indeed.


swait said...

This is probably your most transparent, yet most meaningful post I have read. Thank you for sharing it with us.

I think it is easy for some of us to see those around us who seem to "have it all together" as not needing any encouragement or support along the way...which is not only erroneous, but also sad.

I hope that you continue to challenge yourself...not only with self-reflection, but with finding and nurturing the relationships that do give back. You deserve much credit for your example. I appreciate your willingness to use your voice, Robyn. May you see your pathways in the absolutely perfect time.


Writer Rahn said...

Sara said it as well as I could, grateful, that's what I am for you. Your willingness to be there for me last night, without hesitation, made me feel calm and at peace, even when I didn't know what the tests would include or reveal. Your friendship is truly a bountiful blessing in many, many ways. The years of friendship has taught me more than I can ever explain, and loving you for who you are is easy - you're pretty darn cool!