Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Gods are Smiling

I can tell you the Scrapbooking Gods must be smiling. Wherever they are.

Typically in our house we don't rely on Total Recall. My memory is not as crisp as it should be and, in fact, my mind is perhaps on its way out. For example, I couldn't for the life of me remember this week which day is Garbage Day. Honestly, I didn't know if it was Tuesday or Wednesday. And we've lived here 10 years.

They say forgetfulness is one of the signs of menopause. I'm not going there with this blog. My point is that if we forget when something happened, I can rely on my blog or, better yet, one of my scrapbooks. We'll wonder "When did such and such happen?" And I'll say, "Oh that was in year XYZ because I remember it in that scrapbook." It's our historical resource, so to speak.

Tonight when the Schwan's man stopped by, he noticed my Twins shirt (because I have one on almost every day) and mentioned he was going to Target Field this weekend. Now I knew he wasn't a Twins fan because he always makes fun of my Twins checks. Then he admits he's a Tigers fan. Really? Who in Wisconsin is a Tigers fan? Well I guess they are the other neighboring state. Plus he said he grew up in the Detroit area, but has been back to see the new stadium.

Immediately my scrapbooking mind starting spinning. I said, "Can you hold on a minute so I can show you something or do you have lots of customers?" He said I was the second to last one so he could wait "but you've got me scared now." Who can blame him? I'm one of the Desperate Housewives of Blue Jay Drive, after all.

So I went into the living room and in record time found my 1999 scrapbook which shows a nice two-page spread of Jim and his friend Jeff Sherry at one of the last games at Tiger Stadium before they tore it down that fall. Mr. Schwan's thought that was darn cool. So yes, it does help that I scrapbook AND that I remember what's in every scrapbook.

As far as my fading memory goes, I guess if it ain't in the scrapbook, it didn't happen!

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