Monday, July 25, 2011

...Of the Day

Challenge of the Day: By 9 a.m. I was neck-deep in Monday and treading water. I suspect this is going to be a hell-acious week trying to get 2 weeks' worth of work done so I can be on vacation next week! Come Friday, it will be worth it.

Talk of the Day: It seems Carter and I weren't the only ones to see Captain America this weekend. Most people I talked to today agree it is probably the best super-hero movie made to date. I still might like Iron Man 1 a little better, but Captain America was a great flick. In fact, I think both Carter and I cried. But he's man enough now not to admit it. If you like this kind of movie, go see it!

Good News of the Day: The NFL lockout is over! I don't say that it's good news because we're excited about cheering for the bottom-feeder Vikings and getting our hopeful hearts ripped out and stomped on again. I say that because we can experience it in high-def this season! Yay, new TV! Yay, football!

Accomplishment of the Day: I'm not sure if I'll be capable of getting out of bed tomorrow morning, but for now I am sitting here reveling in the fact I just ran 10 miles! Yes, 10 -- I counted them on my toes! I've never gone that far and don't really want to do it too many more times, either. But, just 3 more miles and I've got me a half-marathon under my belt!

Quote of the Day: I fully admit I have a black thumb. It always becomes more evident when I visit my mother -- the one with green blood in her veins -- and see her mini-greenhouse in the dining room. That gene has skipped a generation. I guess Carter has noticed, too. He was shooting hoops by a little landscaped area in front of the house that has been neglected this summer while we've been away at work and baseball, etc. He says, "Mom, look at how those weeds grow and you don't do anything to them. Maybe you should water them so they die."

Ahhh. I gotta love my life!

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