Thursday, July 28, 2011

Over the Rainbow

They say when it rains, it pours. Sometimes they're actually talking about the weather!

This evening, I had a picnic supper in town with a group of friends. On the way there, the rain started coming down hard. By the time I got into town I could hardly see in front of me. I was tempted to wait it out in a parking lot. But I'm glad I didn't because it didn't let up for a good 45 minutes. I would have missed all that food!

So we parked as close as we could to the park shelter and ran as fast as we could. Which didn't really matter because the water was a few inches deep already so we couldn't avoid getting wet shoes. Thanks to my rain jacket, though, I saved my hair. And the Jell-O salad. Hurray!

Had a nice time visiting and watching the rain fall.

When we left, I had to stop at the store for a few things. When we came out, the sun was shining and there was a double rainbow!

Do you know what's at the end of a double rainbow?

Wal-Mart! Well, that's how it looked from the parking lot. Then, as we traveled home quickly to get to my camera, the rainbows were fading fast. Their location was shifting as well. By the time we got home, guess what was at the end of a double rainbow?

The Kellner ball fields!

Now that makes more sense. I mean we can spend a pot of gold at Wal-Mart, but we can make memories worth their weight in gold at the ball park.

Even on nice, sunny days.

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