Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Feeling Blue

I'm not feeling blue because hubby is in Atlanta this week for work. Though I miss him. I'm not feeling blue because it's been a long week already for me. And it's only Tuesday.

I'm feeling blue -- ROYAL BLUE in fact -- because it's Homecoming Week at Assumption!

This is the week where I reminded that my son has more of a social life in 7 days than I do the whole year combined! It's also the week I think back on our Homecoming Weeks from high school and hope he is making as many lasting memories as I did.

Part of the fun is the dress-up days. Yesterday was "Twin Day" so he and buddy dressed alike -- easy enough to do with the same Cross Country t-shirts, shorts, etc. I would have worn Minnesota Twins gear, but that's just me. Today was "Disney Day." Try as I might, I could not get him to go as Cinderella or any of the princesses. Not even Buzz Lightyear! So today, he was no help for his homeroom to get any Spirit Points.

He has been helping in other ways.

The other fun of Homecoming Week is the extra-curricular activities. On Sunday night it was dodgeball between classes. On Monday night it was volleyball between homerooms. Carter's team finished second to the seniors and he claims he's pretty good.

Tonight it was "real" volleyball with the Pep Band playing before the varsity matchup versus Stratford. Our girls swept them in three games. That was good because we needed to get home and get going on homework. They don't let up on that just because it's homecoming.

And that's why Carter is having a BLUE week, too!

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