Monday, October 21, 2013

Little Victories

I decided I should probably blog now while the Vikings haven't completely blown the Monday Night Football game.


If they lose yet again, it probably won't be the worst thing in the world, just the worst part of the day.

Had a pretty good Monday at work, followed by a stop at home to pick up hubby and go to parent-teacher conferences at the high school. Pretty much no surprises there. He is pretty much getting all A's except for that darn English!

On the positive side, we heard he's a pleasure to have in class, chatty at times but always respectful. The new principal, who also teaches Carter's religion class, said he wouldn't expect anything different if he has the same sarcasm and sense of humor as his dad (who had this guy as a teacher way back when on his first day of high school. Wow, someone is getting old.)

Other than that, it was super conference. Got home in time to send Carter downstairs to do homework and me to grab the couch for some MNF... That's Monday Night Football... not MN Football.


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