Monday, October 14, 2013

What a Treat!

I know it sounds sarcastic to call a Monday blog a "Treat," but it's for real. Part of it might be because I am enjoying a slice of Ande's Mint Pie as I type this. Definitely a mood picker-upper.

Another reason is that a co-worker came back from working a car show in Hershey, Pa., and brought back a...

You guessed it. A Hershey bar bigger than a car!! Yes, we had to share. With the whole building!

A wonderful treat now that hubby is working from a home office is coming home to supper on the table. Not kidding. Jim has morphed into Martha, er Martin, Stewart and I love it! Tonight was sweet corn on the cob with barbecued ribs. A person could get used to this. (And I know such a person.)

Sometimes, when Carter is in the right mood, that's really a treat. Today he had a good field trip they dubbed "The Heavy Metal Bus Tour" to visit area manufacturers, paper mills and the technical college, where they had lunch with the governor. His take on the governor's message that students should consider a career via the tech school is that "I understood what he was telling us, but I'm sure he got paid to say that." Well, not exactly.

Anyway, he had a good time. He also heard from the boy from Germany who will be living with us awhile next spring. That's cool. And we learned Carter was named to the all-conference honors band. That's very cool. He'll have some music day soon where the chosen band (and choir) students from the conference schools will practice and perform together. That's very, very cool.

Now do you see why it was a treat day?

Sometimes we just have to ignore the calendar shouting "Monday!" at us. It was probably fitting that today was Columbus Day. He discovered a new country and I discovered new reasons to be grateful.

Enjoy the holiday.

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