Monday, November 3, 2014

Half 'n' Half

I was not aware that my mother has a Bucket List – or that one of the items is to dress up for Halloween as a half man/half woman. What I do know is that she can check it off!

Last week, Mom said she was hoping to pull the costume together for a Saturday party at a casino. But when my my creative "pulls something together," it involves time (which I don't have) and skill (like sewing, which I definitely don't have).

The results, though, always make me proud and make me smile. Here a few photos courtesy of my sister Rachel, who got to accompany her Saturday.

The concept might seem confusing... until you see the side profiles...

Isn't that amazing? I told her it turned out great. She said she wishes she had taken the time to make a hat for each side, too.

Looks fine to me. In fact, I say, "Hats off to you, Mom!"

And thanks for passing along some of those creative jeans, er genes, to your kids!

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