Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Roller Coaster Wednesday

It's fitting that a Hump Day would have its ups and downs. My first text of the day was from a dear friend whose dad died.

I couldn't help but cry. I have known him for years and he was just the sweetest man. He was battling a form of blood cancer so his death wasn't completely unexpected. But we all know that even when we expect it, that does not make it any easier. Sending prayers to her and her entire family!

My day got better when I took the garbage out. Seriously. I slept in and had to scramble to get it together and out to the curb. I even did the litter box! That's usually hubby's "job." Ha. But since I did it, when I got back inside the house he said, "Wow, you should get flowers for doing that."

True to his word, what is delivered a few hours later but...

Some beautiful yellow and red roses in a pretty autumn-like copper vase. Gorgeous! He said they are for our Thanksgiving so we have a nice centerpiece. I said, "Thanks for thinking of your family." But I secretly think he got them because he loves me!

Just for that, I baked two pumpkin pies for his family. Since we're setting up the royal treatment for Turkey Day!

Then the roller coaster went down. Down as in squishing down. Hard. Ever wonder why the mammogram lady (aka Vice Grip Operator) bothers to say "Now don't move"? Duh. Like we can.

Good thing the computers take pictures much faster these days. I was home in a half hour and could return my day on an upswing by watching one of the Hallmark Christmas movies I had DVR'd.  Almost caught up now before I start recording new ones for this week and weekend!

I did manage to get some cleaning done and things ready for tomorrow, so tonight we enjoyed a double-date night. We picked up our friends Gregg and Lori and had a late supper at Ida's Bar & Grill before heading to Rusty's Backwater Saloon near Stevens Point. The band Stray Pony was playing tonight, featuring lead female vocalist Kathy, who graduated from Assumption with Jim and Gregg.

It was like a mini class of '81 reunion. Only this time, it was already past all of our bed times when the band started playing! Since they were so good, we hung in there until after midnight though.

Always good to end the roller coaster ride on an even keel. You never know what sort of ups and downs are in store for us tomorrow!

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