Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanks Much

Nothing says gratitude like eating to the point we have to unsnap our pant in order to breathe. That's Thanksgiving in a nutshell, though. Or pie shell, if you prefer. (And I do!)

It seriously was a very nice Thanksgiving. Thanks to being out late last night, I did not get enough sleep and was sooooo tired, but wanted to get up early to get the bird in the oven and finish up a few chores.

The turkey actually was done in early afternoon, so I carved it up and put it in a slow cooker with all its juices to keep it warm and moist until supper with the in-laws at 5 p.m. That worked out just fine. It was delicious.

I actually had enough free time that I finally got going on our Christmas card-letter-thingy. Kind of forgot December is right around the corner so I should at least get the concept in mind anyway. That was my way of fighting a nap today – and that was even before the tryptophan turkey!

We had 10 of us for dinner: Hubby and I and all 3 boys (yay!), father- and mother-in-law, sister-in-law Sherry, her husband Baird and son Colin. Thankfully Mom and Sherry brought a few items for the meal so I didn't have to handle it all. And we had plenty!!! I am still so stuffed! (And yes, I just might set my scale back 10 pounds tonight.)

Meal or no meal, it was just so nice to have all of us together. So thankful for that!

I know Up North, several of my family members were gathering for a meal and games. I always feel like I am missing out, but I will see most if not all of them this weekend when I am up for the annual Cookie Exchange. So that makes up for it.

I am not venturing out for any Black Thursday or Black Friday sales. I will probably be sound asleep in my "you're too old to stay out late" tryptophan coma in about half an hour, though.

Instead of counting sheep, I'll be counting blessings tonight. So much to be thankful for... and that includes YOU!

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and continue to have much to be grateful for in your lives!

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