Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday with a Capital M

Have you ever tried to avoid Monday altogether by not setting your alarm? It doesn't work.

Granted, I didn't try this on purpose. Don't ask me how I could possibly forget to set my alarm after all these years of working. But when you open your eyes and see it is 6:48 a.m. and you normally leaving the house for work at oh, 6:48 a.m., it suddenly becomes Monday with a big, fat capital M.


Luckily, I had set some clothes out so I could shower, get dressed and be out the door in 15 minutes! Just think how much extra sleep I could get if I could do that every day. Of course, I would probably have to fix my hair at least once a week. Just to keep up appearances.

I wasn't too late to work. And once there, I was on a mission. One, I knew it was going to be a short work week due to Cornucopia Days so I had to work ahead and fast. Two, we had a Winter Storm Warning commencing at noon so I had to work ahead-er and fast-er yet.

I was able to hit the road an hour early. Yes I realize that I slept an hour late and ended up leaving work an hour early, but in my defense,  I did work 7 1/2 hours. I will make up the other half hour tomorrow morning when I finish up a few things before my 5-day Pilgrim Pork Out Festival begins.

Of course, none of this was on my mind as I white-knuckled it home. Thanks to heavy, wet, slushy, slippery snow on unplowed roads, my 50-minute commute home was 90 minutes. Not a fan, Mother Nature. Not a fan.

I think we have 4 inches and counting. By the time hubby finished the first round of snowblowing, the driveway and deck were covered again. I will be happy to do my short work day from the home office tomorrow

Heck, I won't even have to set an alarm. Now that I can handle.

Apparently well.

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