Friday, April 14, 2017

Lower My Egg-spectations

I had so many things on my To Do List today, I started taking shortcuts. Case in point, coloring Easter eggs. I managed to find a way to color the eggs without having to boil them!

Major time saver. Brown is the new pink, right?

There were a lot of things to try to squeeze into a day "off." And I did not do them all. Got some freelance work done. Went to 1 p.m. church. Very good Good Friday service. Then went to the office. Got home after 6 p.m. like it was a normal work day.

Finally got to see College Boy at that point. Yup, it takes awhile to get home to the actual house when you spend time with friends en route and sleep elsewhere! He's got some 6 or 10 friends over for a campfire tonight so I took my 30 seconds and ran with it.

I'm honestly OK. I have learned to lower my egg-spectations at Easter time and, well, anytime. Just be happy for small moments with loved ones because they are better than no moments.

I wouldn't have had much time for Carter today anyway. Tomorrow, though, there may be a kidnapping.

Since Carter was going to be busy with friends, hubby and I went out for a fish fry and ran into quite a few people we knew. Ended up having dinner with two other couples we know so that was unexpected fun.

See, when you lower your egg-spectations, surprises can happen!

Like me just finding out I do have kickboxing class at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow. I figured we wouldn't because of Easter weekend, but I was wrong. So I better hit the hay. I am using the time I saved egg dying and eggs-changing it for sleep.

Eggs-cellent plan, eh?

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