Saturday, April 29, 2017

Playing Dress Up

It's obvious Mother Nature did not have a prom date this year so she had to make is miserable for everyone else. Well, to her credit, she did not make it rain today. But it was definitely chilly for those girls in their short-sleeve or sleeveless dresses!

Felt weird not being a prom parent this year. Hubby and I could just go about our business of running errands – bank, brat fry and baking, among a few.

My accomplishments today were minimal. I did not get to my "Saturday chores" yes. But I made my Little Monster Cookies so I could take some to the almost birthday boy when Jim and I head to Platteville tomorrow. I got a 4-mile run in – with pit stop at a garage sale. For real, some friends were holding a sale on my route and they gave me a bottle of water! (I did not buy anything.)

But no flowers to pick up this year. No pictures to take. Just Sylvester and I being the princesses in the house, as usual.

Kitty heard it was dress-up day so she tried to wear Jim's shorts. That or she just needed to crawl into a warm cave out of the cold!

We did get to see some of the "real" dressed up people later. First had dinner with a bunch friends (table for 13, please), then headed over to Assumption to see some of our "daughters." Hey, there are some special young ladies in our life. One of them always calls us "Dad and Mom" and said we had to come to the Grand March and see her last prom!

We're used to seeing Kara dusty and dirty on the softball field, but she cleans up well! It was a treat to see a lot of "our girls" transform into princesses for the ball. And the guys looked pretty good, too.

Everyone seems so grown up when they play dress up. Then we'll see them in pig-tails and slugging a home run this week and wonder if it was real.

Thank goodness for photos and scrapbooks. Right, moms?

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