Tuesday, April 18, 2017

On The Mend

If there's one thing I've learned after attending two funerals in two days,  there's no quick way to mend a broken heart.

Yesterday, in my uncle's case, there was no spouse left to mourn – only his daughter and her family, plus the friends and relatives. Today, it was a dear friend's father, who leaves a wife of just shy of 60 years, 3 daughters and their families.

Whether you were close to the person who died or just really close to a family member, you feel the pain. You feel like your heart is breaking just a bit, too, and leaking out some tears.

Yesterday I cried hearing some beautiful songs, nice tributes to my Uncle Allan and a slide show that included photos of my Aunt Betty, who I miss dearly and loved to pieces! Today, I couldn't hold back the tears as I read messages "to grandpa" from my friend Luann's kids and their cousins. I know these kids. I know their heartbreak. So incredibly sad to read about their joy of having a short lifetime with Grandpa and their sorrow at never getting another day with him again.

After the service, when I saw my friend's father-in-law, who I am quite close to, I gave him a big hug and said, "Love you, Dad!" I call him that since, well, sometimes friends are family. I said, "Please stay around for awhile." Then he looked around in the church and I clarified, "Not here, but around for many, many years. I can't lose you yet!"

Uff da.

I guess the risk of loving people is that they may break your heart some day. But God has put so many special people in my life, how could I not take that risk and love them?

The good thing is that I can share with others that He does provide some healing powers. We can't completely mend our broken hearts, but the pain does lessen enough we eventually can smile more than cry at the memories.

My prayers and hugs go out to all who are suffering from a broken heart right now. Hang in there.

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