Thursday, April 6, 2017

Not Quite a Perfect 10

Three thousand, four hundred and sixty-seven.

That is how many blog posts I've written since I launched this thing, whatever this thing is, 10 years ago today. Yup. A daily blog. Well, 3,467. An almost daily blog. It appears I've missed at least a dozen days per year and that is usually when I am on Sister Weekend, Camp Crop-A-Lot weekend and random acts of tiredness.


It's not so much dedication as it is habit. Just part of my daily routine. If I was smart, I would have some cake and ice cream and "retire" on a high note. Seriously, read my first post and you'll see why I started it and why, in a way, I have made no progress....

Friday, April 6, 2007

It's probably kind of strange to start a blog on Good Friday. Maybe it's because Lent is coming to an end and it's that time of year when we think about what's important in our lives. I love to write and express my creativity so why not start a blog?! It's never too late to jump on the blog bandwagon, right? Seize the day!

Sounds good, but most likely the reason I started a blog today is because it's one of those tumbleweed Fridays at work. Half the people took the day off and the rest of us don't feel like working. Now and then we find ourselves breaking away from real work to talk about those far more important things like our children or "Grey's Anatomy." Since "Grey's" was a repeat last night, we turned to solving the world's problems and finding answers to those perplexing questions like "What's 'good' about Good Friday?" and "How come we always say we're going to write a book and none of us have?"

As a writer at heart but editor by trade, I wondered that, too. My husband and I talk about how we can retire early as soon as one of us sells our book and we make it big. We can only joke about it, though, since neither of us has written word one in anything resembling a book ... or novel .... or short story.

My solution? Baby steps. I'll start with a itty bitty blog in my itty bitty world to get my creative juices flowing. Once they are flowing, running and creating rapids, we can move on. In the meantime, I welcome you to join me as I observe the light side of life through the eyes of a working mother hooked on scrapbooking, "Grey's" and her 8-year-old's smile. 

So... I am still hooked on scrapbooking, "This is Us" instead of "Grey's" and my now 18-year-old's smile. But no, still haven't written that book. LOL. Need to get off the pot! Or as we might say in literary circles...

It's time to write or get off the blog.

Wouldn't hurt to start with that anniversary or retirement or "it's Thursday" ice cream, right?

Thanks for reading.

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