Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Big is Beautiful

Good news. I learned today that the elusive "summer body" is not required in a state that doesn't have summer. So there you go, Wisconsinites and Minnesotans. We're good so far. And you're welcome.

I was further reminded today that being big can be beautiful. Take Blue, for instance. He is a big sweetie! And we say that to his face. "You're so big!" "Look how big you're getting!" And he takes no offense.

Even his "big" brother Buddy doesn't mind that people compare their sizes. He just loves his "little" brother Blue.

Why can we be more like dogs?? I mean, I don't want anyone pointing out to me, "Look how big you're getting, Robyn!" But I wish I could brush it off (literally, ha) when I think those things about myself – or imagine others thinking that. Just because we have a thick waists doesn't mean we have thick skins, right?

It would be nice if I could go with Buddy and Blue to the groomer tomorrow and shave a few inches off! Too easy, though. Instead I am trying to exercise – again. Do yourself a favor and don't stop exercising because starting again is sooooo hard. I did one little workout yesterday with lunges and squats and it was all I could do to walk today, let alone keep up with the boys on leashes! Yikes.

I'll just keep moving forward and remind myself that just because I see myself as "big," doesn't mean I am THAT big. Case in point...

Look at this big, beautiful bouquet of flowers!

Nope. Not so big after all.

Don't judge yourself by your size. Judge whether someone thinks you're a big sweetie. And just wants to hug you and love you.

That's what counts. Big time.

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