Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Over and Out, Good Buddy

There's no such thing as travel without adventure. Sometimes the adventure means sitting by a celebrity on the plane (didn't happen). And sometimes it means running through the world's busiest airport to catch your connection (definitely happened).

All that matters, though, is that the trip was a success and we made it home safely.

This is the Jackson 5 before we headed out today after gathering of videos, photos, and words at one of our trucking customers.

Do you like the "crown" on my head? Like cargo a 100 yards in the background and it lined up perfectly.  My new CB handle should be Road Queen or something.

I did have flashbacks to my dad's trucking days when I was a youngster.

Got to sit in the cab of a brand new truck. And today I got to ride in one. These new rigs have huge sleepers and I could stand up behind the seats no problem. And not because I'm short. Was pretty cool for a secret gearhead like me.

The whole trip was. I'll tell y'all about some food adventures another time. Signing off as my ride is almost to our office in Stevens Point and I've got to drive that last leg home after being gone what feels like a week!

Night, y'all!

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