Sunday, June 23, 2019

Boys, Bogeys, Bets

Today was our delayed Father's Day celebration since one of the boys couldn't be here last weekend. So we had normal Father's Day last Sunday and today was the rain date. Quite literally.

Basically, it meant the boys day for Jim, his dad, and the two older boys to go golfing at SentryWorld. And for me to go with this mom and sister for a girls day at the casino in Black River Falls.

Have truck, will golf. I like that our new-to-us truck fits plenty of clubs!

It was a blessing to have all boys under one roof this morning. After Jim made breakfast for them, he wanted a group picture since we don't know when the three will be together next. Depends who goes to visit Washington and who comes back home. I said they were looking too serious above. C'mon, you're brothers and you love each other. Show it!

There's the dimple crew! Better. Much better!

And all 4 brown-eyed bandits who stole my heart.

Adding Grandpa to the picture didn't quite work because Rey was a distraction grabbing the spotlight!

The guys had fun golfing and only got rained on a few times. There was plenty of Austin "charm" (aka B.S.-ing) thrown around, I'm sure!

Meanwhile... I signed up for my first casino card! Yup. Probably been 10 years since I've been (other than work stints in Vegas where I don't usually have time to gamble). My sister-in-law showed me the ropes and in no time I was donating to the Native Americans.

I tried to find lucky machines based on how they called to me...

Really should have won more on the Rise of the RA (Robyn Austin) machine. But no. I also thought I should connect well with the OMG Puppies machine. Because there was a puppy at my house. No luck there, either.

I did cash in on one with a Solar name because I love the sun. So I came out close to even at day's end. We had fun.

This evening, Casey and Rey headed back to Minneapolis to start packing for their move in two weeks. Carter headed back to Platteville to clean his house because we're visiting him in two weeks. Ha. Empty nest once again.

Yay, says the cat.

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