Saturday, June 15, 2019

Side of Ranch

Lost dog was finally found this morning, thanks to a "live trap" set. My friends are so thrilled to have their baby back! I was glad for them, too. Plus, I got my day back on schedule.

After book club at 9 a.m., I headed east to Fond du Lac to meet up with my cowboy nephew Zach and his wife for a photo/video shoot with interviews, etc. As he often says, we were getting ranchy. Well Aunt Robyn was trying.

Got some pretty pictures, though! And didn't step in any fresh manure deposits anywhere. That I know of. Can't tell you much about the project because we don't want anyone stealing our idea. I will say it was pretty cool seeing an active horsewoman my mother's age – 87 – and her husband both so involved.

As a bonus we got to meet Paco, a mule with an affinity for Mountain Dew. Here he is "doing the Dew." Too funny. I guess we all need something to keep us moving!

Let there before 5 p.m. and was going to meet hubby and friends at a Wisconsin Rapids Rafters baseball game... but then rain happened. He was already there and I was running behind. Probably best. I didn't go at all so didn't suffer the rain or cold.

Are we all sure it's mid-June? Even Paco is stubborn about shedding his coat.

And not just because he's a mule!

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