Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Iron Man and Woman

Apparently the 70th wedding anniversary theme is iron or platinum. I don't know anyone personally who has reached this milestone, but my parents were getting there. 70 years ago today they were married by the Justice of the Peace in Pine County, Minnesota. What do they have to show for it? Well...


and that!

Yup, 8 R's with no fashion sense. Ha. At least Mom and Dad made it just shy of 64 years before Dad passed away. Hubby and I have a ways to go!

Mom still loves to tell the story of how she had to sell her bicycle in order to pay for a wedding dress. "I sure miss that bicycle," she says. She does say that! Every single time!

If humor and sarcasm make a marriage work, I guess we're going to catch up to them in no time! Long live love!

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