Sunday, March 22, 2020

I Need a Nap

People always talk about how smart dogs are, but kitty definitely has the right idea here. Take a nap and wake me up when all of this is over!

Don't we wish?!

Another day behinds bars, er home bound, and it was a long one. But all positive.

Talked to my mom on the phone since I won't see her for her 88th birthday this week. Got to watch my church service online through Facebook Live, so that was cool. Got to see a little bit of the young and cute Paul Molitor.

Nothing else is on but re-runs. Even in sports!

Did not necessarily catch the "motivation bug," but had just enough of it to keep tackling my office overhaul. I tossed a lot of things I don't know why I was keeping. And actually organized some other things into logical places and groupings. Very long way to go since it also serves as my Scrap Cave. But I did have one big accomplishment...

I can see the surface of my big desk! Guess who's not working at the kitchen table tomorrow? Guess who's really happy? That guy in the office next to me, who now can blare his classic country music throughout the house. If I remember to keep my door closed.

Another perk of decluttering is finding sentimental things you forgot you had – and still don't plan on throwing away.

This letter to Santa (circa 2007) cracks me up for a few reasons. One, my highlight of the year was getting a haircut. Two, he doesn't appear to be asking anything of Santa – just giving a family update. And three, "Sincerely, Carter J. Austin." Ha. Cute.

I did manage to start filling a bag with garbage and a box for Goodwill. Since I officially have NO PLANS any evening this week, I hopefully can keep up the motivation.

At some point, it's gonna be my turn for the TV, though. Isn't it?

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