Monday, March 16, 2020

Let's Get Things Straight

One week into working in the Home Office bubble (aka the Cramping Jimmy's Style bubble), I've realized – quite literally – what a pain it is. Who knew the biggest perk of my office job was having an ergonomist on site?

After a weekend of very little computer time, I sat down at my kitchen table cubicle this morning and immediately felt a twinge of shooting pain in my right shoulder. It quickly became obvious what was causing it.

All last week working in that spot, I didn't pay attention that the table is taller than my desk at work. Or at least taller than my ergonomically appropriate chair height. So I've had my arm and hand too high and, basically, pinching my shoulder to my neck. Like you're holding a phone there.

For. A. Week.

Thankfully, my massage therapist could sneak me in for an emergency session after work. It was a major ouch.

So advice to all of you who don't normally work at home: Pay attention to your work setup. Listen to the tips for raising your seat to work above your keyboard and mouse; sit with proper posture; have your feet on the floor (or flat surface like a shoe box if you have to sit on more chair cushions, like I'll have to).

Lesson learned.

And yes, I do have an office, a desk and a desk chair at home. But there is not room in that spot for a laptop and another monitor. Remember, kids, Macs and PCs don't mix. Also, full disclosure, I do have another desk in my office, but that would require a day off to clean it. And there's just not enough sunlight like the kitchen spot, either.

So we'll see how long this bubble business goes on. Like everybody else, I'm learning something new every day.

And hoping to maintain my health and safety – and hubby's sanity.

Sit up straight and be careful out there!

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