Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Time Tracker

For some of you, this house arrest business is new and maybe even fun and exciting. For us veteran quaranteeners, it's getting old. It's getting crazy.

I've lost all concept of time and days and dates. It seriously was only two weeks ago when we were nervous about experiencing the time change, a full moon, and Friday the 13th all in the same week.

Only two weeks? Only two weeks. Seems like a lifetime ago.

I don't know how hubby keeps his wits about him working from home all the time. I thankfully am super busy "at" work so I don't have time for distractions like laundry and Days Of Our Lives (well, maybe). So many people are boasting about their great spring cleaning and decluttering projects and I'm like, wait, just because I'm home doesn't mean I have free time. I'm saving that hour per day of commute time, but that's about.

I'm sure you parents trying to home school your kids right now are feeling the same way. It's not relaxing for all of us in quarantine. And there isn't a bunch of time to get things done, just because we're home.

Well, I guess since the world is canceled, I do have all my evenings free now. So I could go to town on so many projects. But this is what I've learned...

Nope. Even several hours a day aren't going to change me. I shared this on Facebook and had to laugh at myself. I'm still lazy! Gah. Honestly, I really wanted to prove myself wrong.

But first... I finished a book... Ate supper...

Watched one of these... And now am going to watch the season finale of This is Us.

Then, I swear, I'll make good use of my time. Wait. Then I swear I will TRY to make good use of my time.

There's always tomorrow. And, based on predictions, plenty more tomorrows at home. Plenty of time, folks!

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