Sunday, March 29, 2020

Voodoo Cleaning Magic

Does it really matter where we find our motivation to declutter as long as we find it? Well, maybe... It's possible someone has a voodoo doll of me and they are lighting a match under my feet to get me moving. If so, please don't stop. I have lot more to do!

Today was the basement and closet continuation. I had three big plastic totes of craft stuff. Much of it was stuff I got free from way back in the early part of the century (that's actually accurate) when I worked on arts and crafts magazines. When the magazines shuttered, the loot was divvied up. I shoved it in totes and fast-forward to today and I was posting pictures of items and hoping to give them away to friends in need before donating.

After all, there's a ton of stuff that I never got into – like bookmaking, knitting, and voodoo. Wait, what? Seriously, it was some books from some art and craft (maybe witchcraft) vendor. I think my friends are scared of me now!

I did get rid of a bunch and tossed a bunch of worthless items today, too. Our garbage cans are full so I guess that means I'm off the hook the next few evenings!

Hubby will be glad. He interrupted me mid-cleaning yesterday and said, "It looks worse than it was!" Well I had all those games and was cleaning the shelves, etc. So yeah, it was a big pile of piles.

Now I'm feeling good. Have bags on the right and totes, etc on the left that are awaiting pickup or room in my vehicle to take them to Goodwill. Whew. That was a productive weekend!

To whoever controls my voodoo doll, please put out the fire and let me sleep tonight.

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