Sunday, August 30, 2020

Day of Rest (with Some Cursing)

When you roll out of bed and straight to the golf course – after a late night – there's bound to be a little cursing. First, that the wake-up temp as only 48 degrees. (Hot August nights is a fairy tale.). Then missing a few par putts by mere inches.

Still, what a fun way to keep my friend Christine's birthday weekend going. She brought her brother along and a mutual friend of ours. We had blast. A lot, lot, lot of laughing!

That was about it for ambition today.

Hubby also golfed today – but later and with some guy friends. So I spent quality time with Mr. Deck Chair, just catching rays and reading. Some random house work but nothing major. Then a senior photo shoot this evening. Lighting was good and the kid was a cutie patootie (I'm sure he loves that description).

 But he was. And it was fun. And there a dozens of good ones. So I can call it a day!

Two more senior shoots this week plus tennis so I hope Mother Nature continues to cooperate! Don't necessarily need jacket weather, though. But as long as it's dry, we're all good, Momma!

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