Wednesday, August 26, 2020

STD (Super Technology Dependent)

Technology is great. Until it isn't. Ever have one of those days where you wish you were living the simple life and didn't have to rely on technology?

Yeah, me neither. I mean, it does save a lot time and effort for certain tasks. When it works.

Today, the geek squad gods were against me. Had so many issues with my laptop for work. I've been lucky so far, considering I'm 173 days into this and have had decent connectivity. That's one of those fancy words we tech-dependent folks use.

After what seemed like an extra long day of work – highlighted with impatience and hair pulling – I felt like I needed to hitch up the buggy and take a ride.

Thankfully, I didn't have to go to that extreme, but it would be nice if tomorrow could trot by without complications.  So if you geek gods are listening, I'm thanking you in advance for a productive day with minimal cursing and crashes.

Giddy up!

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