Monday, August 3, 2020

Pretty Chill

Did you know Mother Nature is a Spice Girl? Yup, she sent cool, fall-like weather this week so we both could enjoy our Pumpkin Spice coffee without shame.

It's going to be a pretty chill week (as the kids say).

Based on today, it's doing to be a jeans and hoodies – and Pumpkin Spice, of course – kind of week! Sylvester even took a long nap in MY office today. Because that was the only warm room! Windows were not open and, yes, I may or may not have had my space heater going for a bit.

Seriously. We're both sun-seeking girls so this is a rude awakening.

At last we'll have fresh air at night for the "it never gets old" good sleeping weather!

I just want my hanging flowers to live and for the sun to show up on Friday evening for a golf outing. that's just two little requests. I'll handle the chill and spice and the other stuff on my own.

Time to go turn on my mattress pad! #nojudging

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