Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Hooked on a Feeling

Now I can confess that every time I mentioned sitting in the recliner in recent weeks, I was also elbow deep in a top secret project. Crocheting scarves for sisters.

Thankfully, my oldest sister had asked everyone a few months ago what colors we all like to wear. She was beading necklaces for us as a surprise. I took the info and started hooking!

Did a double-stitch and created these into "infinity scarves" – one big circle so you can loop it around your neck once or twice. They might double as a mask during this pandemic, too. Lots of pretty colors! And I use the "crushed velvet" yarn so they're super soft!

Of course I had to design labels for their gift bags because... why not?

My sister Ro models her scarf that has a mixture of maroon and blues. Pretty! And a perfect match.

I made a few extra in case they didn't like their colors or whatever. Plus, I knew I could gift them to girlfriends rather quickly if nobody needed to switch. I had one left after the weekend, so my gal pal across the street now has a nice fall one.

And guess what? We could all use some warmth today! We had a few flakes drop here but Up North, where I just spent a weekend, there was measurable snow and countless accidents. Yikes.

Think I'll stick to the safety of my recliner. Who needs a scarf?!

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