Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Sunny Disposition

I keep telling kitty that her "tan lines" are permanent, but she still tries to soak up the sun whenever she can to even them out. How's that working for you so far, Sylvester?

Gotta admit. I like doing that, too!

This week is "almost see your breath" temps in the morning, then "let me work on my tan line" temps in the afternoon. I can handle this. Especially when it's beautiful out after work – temp-wise and fall color-wise!

I don't mind it cool in the morning. Helps me stay focused on work with no desire to head outdoors.  

Side note: Those of you who know about my hoodie addiction will be happy to know I'm finally doing something about it. No, not getting rid of any. That's extreme, doncha think? But since my office is cold and my work at home wardrobe is pretty casual, I can wear a different hoodie each day to get through my collection. That should get me through the rest of my home office time. 

Well, wait. That just got extended to January. So I likely will run out. I mean for SURE I'll run out. I don't have 90 hoodies. Sixty maybe, but not 90. If I run out, it'll be right around Christmas time. Perfect timing. Maybe I'll get a new hoodie or 6 and kitty will get her tan lines taken care of.

We can dream. Always look on the sunny side.

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