Sunday, October 11, 2020


 I know you're thinking SNF is Sunday Night Football for us Viking fans. And you're right. To a point. There were a few other SNFs today, too.

Seeing Neighbors in Faith: While our church has not been open for worship since before Easter, our pastor has been providing weekly services online – through Facebook Live and then onto YouTube. Usually it's been just the organist, sometimes a musician, and always a sound booth-AV person. Now, just to add variety for the viewing audience, those of us who used to read on a routine basis, are doing it in person.

This morning was my turn. Very strange to be in a physical congregation of 5 and read to them – and the camera, of course – but so great to SEE my pastor and few others in person for the first time since March! We all wore masks and still no hugging. But it did my heart good to be back, though too brief.

Super Nasty Fall: Oh yes, it's been so nice, we've been giving all these shoutouts to the wonderful fall we're having. Not today. It was nasty.

This was our tee time temp today just after noon. To our credit, it was Super Nice Fall when we talked about golfing today! No sun at all and that wind... brr. There was some Super Nice Foliage though. Not exactly ideal for golfing unless the leaves stay on the trees and, oh, your ball stays on the fairway. 

Find the tee box!

Should've brought my good camera!

Before trouncing through the leaves to look for your ball, check to see what's underneath. Just escaped a hidden water hazard!

Hubby doesn't like taking selfies, but I managed to sneak him in one! In the end, we agreed the scenery was beautiful and our golfing (both of us, this time) was ugly. Time to put away the clubs.

Sunday Night Football: OK, now we're talking football! For us losers who only have one win under our purple belts, it's been nice to enjoy some So Not Fattening pizza (I'm lying) and watch our team have a good start tonight. Granted, we have the second half yet. But I'm gonna say that this about the game for one final SNF.

SKOL, Norse Force!!!

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