Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Post-Washington: Day 230. And when you wonder what else could happen in 2020, this pops up...

Say what? That's not nice, 2020. Not funny either. Somebody is feeling old around here. And it's not just Jake Ryan!

Good thing I did the math. If Sixteen Candles came out in 1984 and assuming he was the same age as Sammy Baker Davis Jr., then he'd be my age. And ladies and gentlemen, that is not even close to 60. As we would've said then: Psych!

As I'd say now: Whew. That was close.

Let's concentrate on positive things in 2020. Mr. Austin has survived 230 days – about 33 weeks – with me mostly close by. Too close by.

C'mon hubby. We can get through the "crush" of 2020.

In the words of Mr. Baker: "That's why they call them crushes. If they were easy, they'd call 'em something else."

Signing off. The Donger, er Blogger, need food! 

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