Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Booked Stay-cation

Hello! My name is Elder Lee Robyn. Ha. Get that one? I am in a musical mood and I pretty much danced through the day, checking off "to do" items one by one. My stay-cation was booked. I even mapped out my errands so I could start at the south end of town and work my way up in a time-saving manner back home.

Got through my list. I've got my Wild Women's Weekend "gear" packed. And my car is loaded. 

Just in time for an amazingly funny and relaxing evening I "booked" with my friend Cindy. We bought tickets to the Book of Mormon months ago after not getting a chance to see it before when it was touring through Appleton and everywhere else. The Grand Theater in Wausau is a nice venue because it's small enough we could see and hear well – and laugh our backsides off. 

I think our cheeks still hurt from smiling and laughing for a solid 3 hours. It's just hilarious. Outrageous and bit raunchy so not for the faint of heart or easily offended. We do not fit into that category. Ha. We loved it.

Most everyone else did, too, based on the quick-to-their-feet standing ovation at the conclusion.

Now it's off to bed for a quick sleep so my fun vacation can continue! 

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