Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Sweetest Things

In case you didn't know... purple is one of the colors of fall! Ask Viking fans and we know this. But for everyone else, there's the magical combination of my favorite colors in the M&M's Halloween Ghoul Mix – purple, orange, and lime green! 

The perfect touch to the 10 dozen Little Monster Cookies I had baked before noon today. And that's a half-recipe! Just needed enough to send some with Jim for his boys weekend in Portland next week, plus some for my sister weekend next week, plus some for a few others. They do freeze well if I have any leftover for that nonsense.

But that wasn't the sweetest part of the day.

Hubby got me this sweatshirt for Sweetest Day plus some other goodies. Obviously after a quarter-century together, he knows me pretty well.

Tonight I returned the favor and took him to dinner. We decided to go somewhere new – for us anyway. We tried out Avocados, a relatively new Mexican restaurant in town, and it was so good! Super delicious so we'll definitely return.

Since we were already on Highway 54, we headed to Plover for dessert!

Oh yes, King Cone is open one more day for the season and then it'll be back open on the next romantic holiday – Valentine's Day. Go there Sunday if you can. I had the Pumpkin Pie ice cream and it was amazing.

What a sweet way to end the day with my sweetie! 

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