Monday, October 17, 2022

Cold Turkey

I'm wondering if the phrase "cold turkey" really means quitting something abruptly or if maybe it means these turkeys and cold and really, really wish they could fly south for the winter! 

Based on the forecast that we're dipping down into the 20s tonight, I'm thinking it's the these frigid fellas looking for an escape. I know I am!

Besides very cooooool temps today, the wind was wicked and our trees are getting naked!

I was glad I was able to snap this photo yesterday. I call it "Moses Parting the Red Sea." 

We were so blessed with a gorgeous colors this fall. I hope we'll still see some color Up North this weekend for sister weekend, but I'm OK if we don't.

Fallen leaves often create a gorgeous blanket, too. And Lord knows, we all are gonna need an extra blanket. Starting now!

Bundle up and be careful out there!

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