Wednesday, December 21, 2022

And So It Begins

I'm not going to say "Happy First Day of Winter" or "Happy Winter Solstice." When you wake up to sub-zero temperatures, there's not a lot to be happy about. Unless...

You caught your 33-year-old furnace dying a slow death before it reached its end of life moment. A good thing hubby's been mostly homebound for 2 months. He could tell the old thing was making a racket. When Santa's elf came to look at it Monday, we were fortunate he had a new one in stock at his workshop.

Jim told him: "This is great because my wife and I couldn't figure out what to get each other for Christmas this year." 

Merry Christmas to us! 

We're grateful to have a new, far more efficient unit heating the house especially when we are heading into the holy polar vortex holiday weekend!

This was my morning commute temperature. I had to take a screen shot because who puts subzero temps and tents together? Not my first thought today at all.

Especially when a winter storm is set to arrive tonight. Yup, schools are closed tomorrow already.

The snow will be followed by high winds that will impact visibility on Friday and plunge us into this Arctic windchill blast for Christmas.

Maybe our old clunker of heat would have survived til the new year. So glad Santa came early. Apparently, we've been really good this year. Or he felt sorry for us.

Does it matter? Nope. Gratitude  – and a new furnace – go a long way toward surviving winter.

Be careful out there!

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