Friday, December 23, 2022

Christmas Eve Eve and Festivus Double Feature

'Twas two nights before Christmas and all through the land... it was cold, windy, white, and I was dreaming of beach sand.

OK, seriously, it's pretty – but pretty wicked out. In central Wisconsin, we got just a little snow yesterday and then it was sunny and windy and well below zero today, but I'm not sure why they're still calling it a winter storm here. Other places yes, but we're OK here.

Unless you don't have a brand-spanking-new furnace or you have a job where you have to work outside or you are snowed in because of drifting. Knock on wood, all good here. Only had to leave the house for therapy today – Jim's physical therapy and my massage therapy. Merry Christmas Eve Eve and Happy Festivus to me!

Otherwise home bound today since we both had the day off. Got some cleaning done, some Hallmarking done, and holiday treat-eating done, too. Here comes the Festive Five again. 

It was the year of friends dropping off plates of goodies. We're enjoying a taste of the season as we celebrate all these television-inspired fake holidays leading up to the real one. Based on the volume of calories and sprinkles still sitting on the kitchen counter, we may need to invent a few of our own next week, too. Yum!

Not like we're going to go outside and get exercise. Oh no, no, no. I mean I did go out to the mailbox and back in record time today. Tell me again why we live somewhere where the weather hurts our face.

Be careful out there and enjoy your Festivus and Christmas Eve Eve celebrations!

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