Thursday, December 22, 2022

World's Tallest Elves

In round one of our Christmas winter storm, we got about 3-4 inches of snow in our neighborhood. I worked from home anyway since schools were closed and I figured roads would be crappy – and I had the afternoon off.

I heard some noise mid-morning it was Santa's tall elves snowblowing our driveway! Teamwork! Thanks Mike and Mike. You're definitely on the Nice List!

I did venture out to get some last-minute things that took me hours to get, thanks to a bazillion people doing the same. Uff da. I can't even imagine what tomorrow will be like. If you're going to shop on Friday, keep this in mind...

I was glad I didn't have much gift shopping to do this year. Most were shipped or delivered electronically. And since hubby rested in the recliner most of the afternoon, I was able to wrap his gifts at the kitchen table and he was none the wiser. 

So I'm all set to enjoy all of tomorrow off for what is supposed to be the windy-blowing-drifting snow part of the winter storm action. I've heard wicked things about temps and windchills from friends and family in Minnesota and the Dakotas. Y'all don't have to send it this way every stinkin' time! 

Saying prayers we'll all be safe and get where we need to to celebrate Christmas this weekend. 

I realize not everyone is blessed to have the world's tallest elves living in their North Pole neighborhoods, so be careful out there!

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