Thursday, December 8, 2022

Bionic Man :: The Sequel

Hard to believe that it's been 6 weeks already since the Bionic Man Steve Austin, er Jim Austin, had his left knee replaced. That meant today was time for round 2 – the right knee!

We were early to bed last night and up early today to get him checked in by 6:30 a.m. 

We've got this routine down now. After he was prepped for surgery, I went out to the waiting area and worked on my laptop a couple hours, then saw him in person. Then went home and worked some more and returned after he ate lunch. 

The doc said everything went well and that this knee – like the other – was overdue for a replacement. 

Same 2 discharge requirements as last time – after being served his antibiotics, he needed to walk around without his BP dropping or anything, and he needed some liquid success in the restroom. He accomplished both much quicker than last time so we were home around 3 p.m.

We learned some things last time and our primary focus is getting AHEAD of the pain and ice as often as we can. His left leg needs to step up now and be the strong one! I definitely won't be leaving him unsupervised much until we're sure Lefty's doing his job.

Thanks for the well wishes and support. We're just grateful for a skilled doctor, a flexible work schedule for recovery.

And the fact that we shouldn't have to pay 6 million dollars for the upgrade.

Count your blessings and be careful out there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery.