Tuesday, August 6, 2024


The thing about working for a large company with a LOT of people who like to golf, is getting your time slot into the Golf League. 

That's why our somewhat "early" tee time of 4:40 p.m. (for 9 holes) finally started tonight. Early time as daylight fades earlier, I guess.

Unfortunately our fourth – Lisa – had a traveling hangup and couldn't get back for our tee time today. Thankfully, I know a guy who likes to golf and just happened to have his clubs in his trunk.

Trent, who I've known since his childhood in my church, had internships the past 2 summers at my company and is now a full-time employee at "our" company. Oh, and he's a good golfer – but this isn't a competitive league.

Our challenge tonight – due to 3+ inches of rain everywhere last night – was that we had to stick to the cart paths. Added time. But yay for adding steps on my FitBit!

Of course, the great thing about golfing in August is that the Flower Hole is in prime bloom at SentryWorld.

So it definitely will be a treat to golf our 7 weeks of league in peak season! Don't get too jealous. I mean it's sort of work-related.

Just kidding! I love the perks of my job when they final-tee get here!

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