Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Hello, Sunshine

I love this saying as this week I've definitely had to focus on the sunshine and positive rather than anything negative – grief, work or otherwise – going on in life. And, by coincidence, 3 of the past 4 nights I've taken senior portraits at a nearby sunflower field.

It kinda makes you want to visit a sunflower field, doesn't it? Plus, I really love the sunflower concept that it can't help itself but follow the sun and the bright side of things.

Sometimes we just need to look at smiling faces and realize we not only want that, we can have that. 

And we can do it without a sunflower field. But it's not as pretty!

P.S. Arnold's Strawberries should be in bloom for the rest of the week if you want to smile and express your inner sunshine!

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