Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Back to School and Whatnot

My fault for a lack of memory, but I wasn't prepared that my first day back after a long holiday weekend was the first day back at school for a bunch of high schoolers who used the same roundabout as me to get to work.

So when I got off the interstate, I was immediately at a standstill while we all navigated that traffic circle together. Meanwhile, my big concrete office was in the "near" distance the whole time. Good thing I don't have a super strict work schedule. I do also remember from last year that it was pretty just the first day of school that was hectic. Crossing my fingers that is still the case.

Good thing I was rewarded for my slow work day start up with a relaxing golf league ending to it. We had our whole OG foursome so that was fun. Plus, since I woke up with crazy back pain, it forced me to swing slower and, therefore, more successfully. Not a bad evening at all!

Naturally, we hated seeing the sun sink so low during our round. I mean we all flipped the calendar to September, but we'd love some grace to embrace it and still get in our league rounds during daylight. Two more weeks. That's all we ask.

Side note: I'm playing my best rounds (finally), so don't blow it, Mother Nature.

Hope you had a nice return to reality – and whatnot!

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