Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday Views

When you wake up to 40-some degrees and just want to snuggle under the warm covers for the day, you know it's going to be a long Monday.

Thank god there are some redeeming moments after a long day of work.

I actually had a few errands right after work, including delivering some flash drives of senior photos. Then it was on to Book Club.

We were supposed to meet at one restaurant, and when that was surprisingly closed, we went to our old standby corner booth at Applebee's. Which seated 5 of us just fine.

This month's book was the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. You probably read it in high school. We chose to re-read it after reading James earlier this year, which was the point of view of the surprisingly educated slave Jim, aka James.

It was interesting to compare the two. And of course, interesting to catch up on each other's lives.

The parking lot sunset shot above was our exit view. Love it!

I got home in time to catch the season opener of my show – The Voice – too, so everybody wins. Plus, did you know...

Now that's a summer-lovin' girl like me can keep in mind! Enjoy these pleasant summer-like days this week!

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