Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Foggy with a Chance of Photo-Worthy Clouds

Tuesday was an emotional weather day. Is there such a thing? If not, I just made it up.

First I had to deal with thick fog on my morning commute. God thankfully answered my prayer of "Please keep the deer off the road" because they're active now and I wouldn't have seen them in time to stop. I didn't want to drive on the interstate because of yield signs and road construction, but after attempting a shortcut and seeing all traffic stopped for a train, I turned around.

I haven't been this grateful to arrive at work safely since the last winter storm!

All day I was monitoring the weather because I was supposed to take senior pictures at 6 p.m. and the various apps kept saying "rain and storms start at 6 p.m." So we changed our start time to a little before 5 p.m. to "beat the rain."

Well, we definitely beat it because it skirted around us somehow. Meanwhile we suffered in high 80s heat and about 300% humidity. Uff da. Thankfully it was a boy since they usually don't have to worry about the whole humidity and hair bad combo.

As we were wrapping up, I was treated to one amazing view of the storm clouds as they passed and the setting sun was catching up to them. 

I saw this view and was like, wow, that is cool. Then I zoomed in a bit was completely awestruck...

We've got a stormy sea with that peek into sunny skies in the middle. Wow. Just the coolest thing to capture!!

When I got home, we still had kick-ass cloud views, but nothing like that quick moment that I snapped before it moved on. Still... very cool. Thanks, God.

Speaking of photographers... I have still been pretty much bonding with Mr. Recliner and watching the Olympics. Gymnastics is pretty much my summer fave so I HAD to see those girls capture gold last night. Well, me along with all these photographers – and millions of viewers. Go team USA!!

Hope you're finding some photo-worthy moments in your life this week. Even if they're just nice moments with no cameras in sight!

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