Sunday, July 14, 2024

Just Blowing Through

 It was a very hot day yesterday, but we knew there was going to be rain coming at some point. Maybe thunderstorms. But what we weren't prepared for was crazy wicked winds with it. I mean it seemed like it was blowing less than 5 minutes. 

But it definitely left its mark on our neighborhood.

First, we see Mr Deck Chair getting blown off the front deck. Jim rescued him! Then, the power goes out – while our pizza in the oven was only half baked. Then, it was complete silence. Very eerie.

I couldn't resist driving around the 'hood. You see that stop sign there? This was what lay ahead of us and our usual way out of our neighborhood circle. Thankfully the other exit wasn't blocked.

Every street was littered with branches of varying sizes. And since, all the trees were falling in different directions, we're wondering if there was a funnel cloud involved or just straight-line winds. Haven't heard anything official, though.

My golf partner's house was missed but this big ass tree was blocking their driveway!

View from the stop sign looking into the 'hood.

Three houses away.

Our only loss.

Snapped right off between our yard and the next door neighbors'.

Damage around the corner.

And some more nearby on Deer Road. So crazy.

Meanwhile, once the power came back on after 2 hours, our cable and internet were still out. After talking with the help desk guy for more than half an hour, we couldn't get it to work. Thankfully, they sent someone out this morning – even though "we don't usually have techs working on Sunday." So glad they could fix it. Our main concern was needing internet to work from home tomorrow (and of course, blog!).

Good neighbor Mike was also promptly on the scene with this chainsaw this morning so we could get things cleaned up before it got too hot.

And trust me, for someone who loves heat, it was sooooo hot!

Jim and I had couples golf league this afternoon and we were roasting! Thankfully, we took a cart so we could create our own breeze once in awhile.

Mark your calendar. I am NOT turning on my electric mattress pad tonight! Hope you all survived the heat and any storm-related fun in your neck of the woods!

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