Monday, July 15, 2024

Hey, Hey, Hallmark... Goodbye

I didn't fully comprehend the destruction of our fried cable/DVR box. Until the handsome technician came today to replace that box. 

When he said, "I hope you didn't DVR too much because it's all gone now," I said, "Oh no! My Hallmark movies!!"

The only positive is that I have an excuse to watch them over or record them again! And according to my sources, I still have time to record a few "Christmas in July" episodes. 

Trying to focus on the positives but I'll miss things like state softball and basketball – even though I was there in person for both!

I should be grateful they followed up today with some new equipment. But as I know from my Facebook account, that means starting over from square ONE.

I think we can get through this together!

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