Saturday, January 12, 2019

Grand Poobah to Oompa Loompa

You know it's an interesting Saturday when it starts with Polka, ends with Yatzee, and has some Oompa Loompas thrown in the middle. That's how we roll in Wisconsin...

First the Grand Poobah... It's how I picture the main guy shredding away at the accordion while leading a polka band. Probably means many things I don't know about but it came to mind when we were discussing Polish heritage, bratwursts, and polkas at Book Club this morning. Part of the book The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion was based in Pulaski, Wisconsin, so really, it was a natural conversation.

From there it was Oompa Loompa time... Went to the Variations show presented by Dance with Pam members. Initially was going to see two Assumption girls. Then wouldn't you know it, I knew another half dozen. Took a lot of pictures because I could. (Don't worry, I asked permission days ago!) The show had three sections, with the last a Willy Wonka theme.

Now when I think Oompa Loompa, I picture these guys. (And that I dance like them!)

But no. My dear Elyse somehow brings Oompa Loompa to an adorable level. And, she's not just cute. She's crazy talented! So fun to watch. Great show.

Tonight we enjoyed a fish fry – real fresh fish – at our neighbors Mike and Cindy's house. Great meal provided by them, yummy Hornet's Nest Cake provided by us, then a competitive game of Yatzee to burn off calories. Had lowest score but rallied to win the third game. Not that I'm competitive and that it matters. Ha.

Well, yes, you know me. I am.

But it sure was nice to a have a positive day. Hope you all can say the same!

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