Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Con of Konmari

Probably the number one New Year's resolution after the old standby involving some scary new healthy eating habit is some sort of resolve towards decluttering, organizing, simplifying.

So many friends are sharing their new found dedication on Facebook. I feel both inspired and shameful. Because, like every other year, I still need to do this!

I recognize my problematic thinking on accumulating clutter. It's not on purpose. It just happens. And I guess I can see how...

I either think something is too nice or worth too much to just give away. Or I think I will use it again (because darn it, I'll start making cards with those Stampin'Up stamps at some point). Or it's in the procrastination Black Hole (I am going to do something with this but haven't quite got around to that yet). Or it is a keepsake (which might be a free pass if I would just store it or display it properly).

Today I scored a point for keeping something because I or someone else might need it someday. My girlfriend texted me about the picture frame thing I made for my family Christmas photo booth. I would have happily given it to her but hubby threw it out after I waited too long to figure out what I was going to do with it!

See, someone really could have used it!

I honestly will give this a go again. Not sure about the KonMari method. You can see from the joke above that I seriously wouldn't have the right focus on what brings me joy. But I can see how it does lead to stress when every time I enter my "Oh My God" Room I still say OMG.

You'll know I'm feeling joyful when I just call it my office.

Here's to another round.

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