Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Ice Road Commuters

Sometimes when things get strange, we're in Bizarro World. Today, I think we're in Mario Kart World. The ice level anyway.

While the light drizzle on the commute home didn't seem like much, the temperature was below freezing, and it was quickly evident that it was forming an invisible layer of ice. A little fishtailing here and there and I was sure to take it slow. When I got on the road by our house, it was slightly treacherous. Is that possible?

Of course, tonight's a night we both had plans. Hubby bowling and me church council. When Jim took the garbage out, he said the driveway was already a skating rink. I had just emailed fellow council members saying I wasn't going to chance it and drive into town when the phone rang and I learned our meeting was canceled. Or at least postponed a week (or until spring, ha).

Bowling, on the other hand, must go on! It took Jim quite awhile to make it into town. When he did, he texted me: Seriously stay in house.

So I am. And I hope they salt the roads before he heads home.

I also hope I find the ambition to get a few things done around the house. It's a free night. Why would I want to watch a Hallmark movie and This Is Us when I could clean?

Think I'll have some ICE cream until my mind clears!

Be safe out there!

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