Monday, January 21, 2019

Once in a Super Blood Wolf Moon

It seems that once in a blue moon you have two OT championship games to get to the Superbowl. And once in a blue moon, you also get a super moon, a blood moon, and the wolf moon. All in one. Freakin'. Freezing. Night.

A Super Blood Wolf Moon. Pretty c-c-c-c-c-ool.

They called it a rare cosmic event that three lunar phenomena converge. So the super part is because it was close to the earth so appeared larger. Oh by the way, this is wiki-Robyn talking. The blood part is because during the eclipse, the moon didn't disappear entirely and instead turned a rusty shade of red. And wolf moon is the traditional name for the January full moon. Who knew? All I knew was that this crazy cosmic combo hadn't happened since 1866 or something crazy like that.

So I was a lunatic (see what I did there?) and braved the well-below-zero temps to attempt capture this historic event. Even though is was also well past my bedtime.

All I can say is that it was so stinkin' cold, even my camera wanted to be inside and tucked under my electric blanket. And that was only 30 second stints every 10 minutes to mark progress. So needless to say, the pictures in the beginning were a bit clearer.

But by the eclipse time, the moon was too high for my tripod and my freezing, shaking hands couldn't hold the camera still. And then, the camera wouldn't focus or let me snap a picture. At all. So this is what you get...

Yup, not my best work, but you get the idea. 

And do you know when it looked the best? This morning on my way to work. Low to the sky, very large, against a pink morning sky. And where was my camera? Back at home, tucked into my warm bed, I'm sure!

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